19 May 2014

A little clean up bites me in the ass

I went through some old photos last night and deleted what I thought were unused images.  I came to post and found that nearly every photo I'd deleted was tied to a blog post.  Blogger used to automatically create a new folder for images used on the site which meant that I didn't have to concern myself with deleting photos outside of the Blog folder...but that's no longer the case.  I dug through the recently deleted photos and restored most of them but there are a few left to find and restore.

What a pain in the ass.

In light of the issue, I managed to get a few things done this weekend:

  1. Bought new tires for the 64 S.  
  2. Registered the car and find original YOM plates for Illinois.
  3. Scored a Koln turn signal arm that's dirty but looks NOS and seat rail sleeves (the plastic things that go over the seat rails).
  4. Traded my duplicate early Type 3 Service book and a small amount of cash for a NOS inside rear view mirror and a Koln contact plate.  I've now got all the pieces I need to build a Koln column.  The goal is to get to a point where I have a column in the car and a spare for the shelf...meaning I'll have four columns total with no other miscellaneous parts roaming around.
  5. Spent a little time organizing the parts for sale (they're all in one place now).
  6. Listed about 15 new ads to thin the pile.
  7. Did another 'once over' on the 64 S
  8. Contemplated nicknames for the car.

I'm planning to take the 64 S to a local show on the 22nd of June.  That means that I'll have some work to get done before the show so that the car is road worthy.  It's not far away but I don't really want to deal with a break down or have any issues along the way.

The list of 'to do' on the house is growing...slowly.  I have to keep it in check so that I have time to work on the cars.

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