30 April 2014

Ignition switch returns

 I sent the early NOS ignition switch out to Gabriel Garcia to be repaired since I knew I'd probably not get to it for several months (if ever).  I was skeptical about the cost but not the quality of work.  I was pleasantly surprised when he sent me the total for the work completed.  The switch is repaired, fully functional and I now have two keys.  The positive piece is that I can now sell off one of the several 66 DV profile key NOS ignitions I've stashed away from months ago.
Back looks pretty good...you can tell where the repair was made if you look at it long enough but this side will also likely not see the light of day once installed.

I have a line on another ignition in similar condition so I'm hoping that I can save it and, again, sell off a 66 DV profile NOS ignition.

I'm looking to get down to just the scripted ignition switches and sell off the later versions.

Click the link for Gabriel's website

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